Ministère des Finances du Cameroun


DGB Staff drilled on website administration

Published on : 4/06/21 3:25 PM

From now on, we will all be able to create and publish our articles on the DGB website.


It is with these words that Mrs. MEKIA Félicité Linda, Head of the Budget Accounts Consolidation Unit, representing the Director General of the Budget, opened the training session.

With the support of ST Digital, the thirty or so staff in charge of the site’s animation were edified on various points such as the general functioning of the site, organization of articles, writing and publishing one’s first article, organization of archives, and management of modules and maintenance of the internet site.

Through this training, the DGB is laying the foundations for the appropriation of the administration of the site in accordance the law of transparency and good governance in Cameroon’s public financial management  which provides in its section 50 : “All information and documents on public finances, (…), shall be published by the competent institutions on their websites once they are available”.